Wednesday, March 28, 2012

OPI Germany Collection Preview

So I know I said I'd show you all a-england Ascalon today, but OPI unveiled their fall collection on Facebook yesterday! So I thought I'd share that with you today instead. This year's country will be Germany. In addition to the country announcement, OPI also posted names and pictures of all twelve polishes from the collection! I love that they gave us actual photos instead of the bottle PR shots. Take a look at these beauties!

Top row, L to R: My Very First Knackwurst, Don't Pretzel My Buttons, Berlin There Done That, Don't Talk Bach To Me, Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!, Schnapps Out Of It
Bottom Row, L to R: Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs, Every Month Is Oktoberfest, Unfor-greta-bly Blue, Deutsch You Want Me Baby, Danke-shiny Red, German-icure

As usual, some of the names are...questionable but the colors themselves look really great! There appears to be a nice variety of shades and finishes. This is a massive improvement over last fall's Touring America Collection. I seriously cannot wait to see some swatches of these!

What do you think of the Germany Collection? Which names are the worst? Which colors do you totally need right this second? Tell me all about it, girls!


  1. Well, I actually love a lot of the colors, but as I am from Germany (and so I understand German :-D), I definitely don´t like the names, they are not funny or original in my opinion.
    But I´m really looking forward, I love the vampy and dark shades. My fav. color is the "Suzi & the 7 Dusseldorfs"

    1. Yes, I am a German and I don't like the names too! The name "My Very First Knackwurst" is so stupid and ugly. We Germans have more interests than sausages. Leastways no allusions to sauerkraut and beer.

    2. Very interesting to hear some German perspectives on the names! :) I agree that they are not very good and rely heavily on stereotypes. The names are not only unfunny but unimaginative as well. I'm sure there are much better options than just doing a bunch of tired jokes about German cuisine and alcohol.

    3. That's true. Let's hope the colors are better than the names...

  2. These colors don't wow me. I'm looking forward to seeing swatches though. Hopefully they'll change my mind ;0).

    1. I can't wait to see swatches! I think the collection looks good but I'm not sure which exact ones I'll get yet...

  3. There are some lovely colours there! :D

    1. I think so too! Looks to be a solid collection.

  4. These names are embarrassing. Haha but I like all of the ones on the top row.

    1. The OPI names always pain me. At least the colors are nice though!

  5. OPI clearly needs some new nail polish naming people. Those are so tourist/American. Still, I love OPI so thanks for showing us this!

    1. I totally agree. They're pretty embarrassing names. The collection itself is otherwise promising though, imo.

  6. I want to see swatches to really decide if I love any, the names are funny, hopefully they don't dissapoint. Thanks for the info girl!

    1. I'm waiting on swatches for my final decisions as well. I just can't get behind the names though--they grate on me. :-/ And you're very welcome! I love sharing new collection info!

  7. from this picture, I predict I'll need:
    My Very First Knackwurst, Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine! [WHAT A TERRIBLE NAME, I CAN'T EVEN], Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs, Every Month Is Oktoberfest, Unfor-greta-bly Blue, Deutsch You Want Me Baby, & German-icure

    1. Sounds like we're feeling a lot of the same ones! And ugh, I know, these NAMES... *sigh*

  8. I have my eyes on Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs, Every Month Is Oktoberfest, and German-icure. These names might be the worst I've ever seen haha!

    1. I want all those too! I felt like the Holland Collection names weren't *super* bad but now they're back in full force for this collection haha.

  9. Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs - I don't get it. Anyway, Every Month Is Oktoberfest looks amazing but I think I must have Unfor-greta-bly Blue

    1. I'm guessing it's a (really bad) play on Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Unfor-greta-bly Blue is calling to me as well...

  10. So I had comment earlier on this post and lost it :( Did you know you only have a certain amount of time to post the comment and then it comes up as an error? Bummer. Anyway, let's try this again. I saw this OPI news on Facebook yesterday, exciting! I like some of the colors (a few in the top row and Unfor-greta-bly Blue looks pretty cool too). The names are so crazy..I think the worst is Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!

    1. I didn't know that! That sucks! :( I'm glad you made the second attempt though haha. I'm really happy OPI gave us actual bottle shots. They did the same for Nicki Minaj so I'm hoping this will be a recurring thing for their collection unveils! And I honestly can't pick a worst name haha.

  11. I think I'm particularly picky about this, but I don't like it when "collections" don't look like they belong together in a group at all. That photo could just as easily be the random nail polish selection at a convenience store—you know, the ones that just have one of everything on display? While I actually liked a lot of the Touring America collection, one of my favorite things was that the polishes seemed to go together.

    Otherwise, I am looking forward to seeing swatches of Berlin There Done That, Nein! Nein! Nein! OK Fine!, and Suzi & The 7 Dusseldorfs.

    Some of these names are especially awful, but I do like Berlin There Done That and German-icure. I usually get a kick out of puns on the names of cities or landmarks or that relate the theme of a collection to polish. They're cheesy, but in a silly way, and I prefer silly names over ones that are stereotypical (to the point of being offensive!)

    Kudos to OPI for releasing photos! I loathe their PR bottle graphics and hardly bother looking at them.

    1. I agree the colors don't really tell a "color story" or look particularly cohesive. That doesn't bother me much personally but I totally get what you mean! It does help a lot when the colors look like they relate to one another or were creatively conceived as a whole rather than a bunch of seemingly random colors. I agree on both the stereotypical names and the non-PR photos. So there is some good and bad with this collection unveil, I suppose. :)

  12. I'm also German and I'm quite disappointed. The colours are boring (our flag is gold, red and black! Where's a nice gold, a deep red and a creamy black?) and the names awful. I wished they used at least the correct German names - it's Breze and not Pretzel (that sounds soo wrong to my ears^^), Schnaps not Schnapps (what's the second p doing there?) and what Suzi does with 7 Düsseldorfern is a riddle.. no idea. Did they mean 7 dwarfs? Haha, the Düsseldorfer will be amazed :D

    1. Very good points! You'd think they would've implemented something from your flag. The Holland Collection had a nice Queen's Day orange, which I thought was a neat touch, so why not do something similar for Germany? I don't speak any German but one of my best friends is fluent in German and she was equally let down by the names. I enjoyed learning some of the correct terms from you though--thanks for sharing! :)

  13. Hi, guys! I like the names, but then, I'm neither English nor German. :)

    That's why I need to ask you English and German speaking folks something. What's the catch with Unfor-GRETA-bly etc.? I seriously doubt it has to do with the Garbo actress, right, because she was Swedish. Is it about Hansel and Gretel maybe?

    Also, is there anything special behind "Knackwurst" other than it being a type of German sausages? Any pun worth knowing about?

    And let me see whether I got the others right: the "originals" are actually Don't Press My Buttons, Been There Done That, Don't Talk BACK To Me, Snap Out Of It;
    Suzi & The 7 dwarfs, Every Month Is Oktober, Don't You Want Me Baby, Danke schön Red, manicure?

    Thanks so muchness! ;)))


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